Milling about at Home: Kevin Jensen

Kevin Jensen, the Mill Interpretation and Research Specialist at Hanford Mills Museum, on raising chickens

“My family’s been raising our latest batch of chickens on our farm in Hobart. We got them as day-old chicks about a month ago and they have been growing quickly since then. Their breed is ISA Brown. Once they start to lay in mid-August, some of them will stay on our farm and lay eggs for us to sell and some will go to other people raising chickens. My family has been raising chickens for generations and for many years our farm operated as a large scale commercial poultry farm. We’ve scaled back since then but still enjoy raising flocks of chickens.”

“There are lots of resources online for people interested in raising their own chickens, which has become an increasingly popular backyard project in recent years.”

Chickens on the Jensen farm like the shavings made by the planer at Hanford Mills.
Some Hanford Mills trivia: when he retired from the Mill, Horace Hanford made himself a “retirement office” from a chicken coop. The Retirement Office often houses exhibitors at Hanford Mills events.